Thursday 24 September 2009

Afternoon, I was watching Shooting Stars last night as usual, and amidst all the buffoonery I thought, yet again, how lucky Vic and Bob were to get paid for it! I mean really lucky, because that show is pure genius, it can’t be left too much to chance because the show wouldn’t work or hold together otherwise, would it? I wonder every time I watch the show just how much they ad lib stuff as they go, if its more than 5 minutes I’d be surprised but even more impressed than I am already..

Very few comedians or actors can get away with that for any period of time, only the real talent can, and Vic and Bob are real talent for sure. I should have asked him when he was standing next to me last week in M&S but I am obviously way too cool for that..Seriously though, I really do wish I had been able to ask him. Can you imagine? wander back to the office, share lunch with Vic Bob and myself and just shoot the breeze, discussing comedy in general and what they do and how they do it in particular...that would be truly a dream come true. And you know what? I’m planning a little project that I have had bubbling away for a while now on the back burner, might be time to crank up the heat on that a little and see what happens, maybe, just maybe that afternoon with Vic and Bob might happen after all...

I always do this. Start writing or thinking or talking about something and then go off on a tangent on a sub topic and remember that I’ve had an idea on that sub topic running around in my crazy scattered brain for ages. But I’m beginning to realise after all these years thats just the way I am, the difference being is that now, and I mean the last 2 months or so, I am just getting brave enough to start writing it or expressing these ideas and projects. Either brave enough or reckless enough I’m not sure but I’m loving every minute of it! I’ve already decided to make a living from writing and it’s getting there, slowly, but to earn a crust from writing comedy would be complete nirvana baby, better than sex, possibly...maybe...not. I’ve always thought sex is only as good as the person you’re doing it with, I mean, I’m good, but if she’s crap whats the point? Ho ho ho..You will notice I avoided the dreaded LOL there, you did notice didn’t you? I mean you are awake? All 10 of my loyal followers...

I for one believe LOL (laugh out loud) is just getting used out of all context and used even when whatever was said wasn’t even remotely funny, but then I suppose words and phrases have been abused since God was a boy. But I did go out with a girl a while back who used lol in nearly every text. I was going to wind her up one day and text her something really serious, see if lol would turn up in the reply, but decided against on the grounds that she was as thick as shit and she was soon to be an ex anyway. Shame, nice curves.

Enough of this indulgent sexist rubbish, I’m off to do some ‘work’ - more later...x

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