Wednesday 9 September 2009

Blog 1 – 9/9/09
Well, this is my first blog, so if you’re reading this, and I hope you are since that is the whole point, then please be gentle with me, I might even make you laugh although no promises at this early stage, under promise and over deliver as they say...

I suppose I should start by explaining why I want to write for a living. The answer is that all through my career, especially when I was selling Insurance – both B2B and B2C - I really enjoyed writing the sales letters to potential Clients and other letters and sales copy. I found that not only was I ‘good with words’ as others used to say, but I really enjoyed it.

When I read books and newspapers now I tend to analyse the writing style and the author’s ‘voice’ and sometimes, I kid myself I could probably have written the article or chapter/paragraph a lot better. Also, my Dad was a technical copywriter and I’m sure that I have inherited something from him, I believe I have inherent writing ability, maybe if you are still reading this you might agree because presumably if I couldn’t write for toffee then you wouldn’t still be reading this would you? Hello? .....

I want the ability to settle somewhere in the UK I really like and build my home there and work from there. I like the idea of having a study or studio where I can shut the door and get on with it. I have this vision of a house by a Scottish Loch, with a separate studio overlooking the loch, floor to ceiling windows, a very large ‘partners’ desk, a big old Chesterfield sofa and the remaining walls lined with my books and other paraphernalia...oh, and my boat gently bobbing next my jetty, and my dog moseying around somewhere..

Ahem, another perhaps more sound reason is this. I am now 42, I have a very definite idea of how I want my life to be, and I know that I have the talent, ability and means to achieve it. The well worn and oft repeated cliché, you only get one go at life is so true, quite obviously yet why do so many of us fail to get what we want? The usual argument is that we obviously don’t want it enough and I guess that’s valid isn’t it? Really? All of us have ideas and dreams but they don’t count for anything unless we put them into action, that’s a lesson that took me, for one, a long time to learn, but from this day on, that’s going to change...

There is another reason, which is purely personal, I’d like to enjoy my life on my terms and get paid to do something I really enjoy, I am also drawn –excuse the pun – to the creative side and there is a big list of stuff I want to get involved in that I haven’t so far for numerous reasons that I won’t trouble you with. I’m sorry if this has been all about me, maybe I have gone into too much detail or maybe I haven’t gone far enough. I would rather err on the side of caution, if you want to know more then I guess you will ask, you can always ask..

So, I’m going to sign off now, I promise the next post will be a bit more disciplined and maybe even interesting...ttfn x

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