Wednesday 16 September 2009

Are We Sinking Into Total Apathy Or Have We Finally Had Enough?

I write this from the 2nd Camp. That is, the ‘finally had enough’ camp...And I have reason to believe I am not alone. Despite a lot of apathy toward our ruling classes and a perception that all 3 Political parties are pretty much the same, you cannot escape the resentment and sense of betrayal that is directed towards our politicians. Newspapers are full of letters from readers who are exasperated at the way our current Government continues its hapless and hazardous attempt to sort out the mess it has largely been responsible for. Radio phone in’s are inundated with calls from people who just cannot understand why our politicians continue to lie to us, make disastrous and ruinous policy decisions and generally treat us with the utmost contempt and then expect us to vote for them!

Previously I was of the opinion that a lot of us had given up on the electoral process, we have even seen evidence of the postal vote system being ‘compromised’, why should we bother to vote for you? You don’t do what you say you are going to do for us? And then you abuse your privilege by claiming taxpayer’s money for your own outrageous personal benefit and are completely contemptuous of your office and arrogant in it. You show no humility when eventually exposed for your corruption and months later you demonstrate your ‘understanding’ of the whole situation by allowing the new Speaker of the Commons to appoint a ‘spin doctor’ on a salary of £100k ! Breathtaking arrogance which should, by rights, be punished in the General Election next year when you lose your seats and hopefully, banished to the political wilderness for at least 2 decades. A bloody nose is exactly what you deserve Labour...

As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, I think you are going to get your just reward aswell. I think, and hope, that the discontent, anger and sheer resentment shown in those letters in the media and radio show phone-ins will translate into an electoral bloodbath next year. The British public have had enough. We don’t want you abusing Anti-Terror laws to find out what we are putting in our bins (that we pay for) we don’t want you putting cameras on every street corner and road in the name of road safety only to find out its the only way you can afford to fund our Police Force. We don’t want you inventing yet another stealth tax to punish us with because your gormless charmless leader isn’t as financially adroit as he was acclaimed to be. We don’t want your heavy handed officiousness and politically correct obsessiveness to ruin our public spirit and turn otherwise law abiding people into wary, resentful non public spirited people.

We do want you to lock up people for life when you mean life, we do want you to pull our poor lads out of Afghanistan before the death toll gets even higher for a war which we should never have been involved in (Thanks Tony) and we do want you stop blaming the global economic downturn for your many mistakes. We want to vote for our next Prime Minister, not have him foisted upon us because he’s going to get grumpy if he doesn’t get the job, he’s bloody miserable anyway! God knows I could go on for ages, we have had 12 years of this, and what have we got to show for it? A ravaged economy, a Tax system that is so ridiculously complicated (by design I might add, resulting in even more Fines Revenue) and sheer overwhelming incompetence and arrogance in Local and Central Government.

But I think there is one thing that grates amongst us more than anything, and that is the attitude of anyone in Government or local councils across the land. Labour have nurtured and developed the Client state so adeptly and stealthily over the past 12 years that those employed within it consider themselves virtually immune. And if Labour cabinet ministers and even the PM refuse to fall on their sword anymore, why should anyone lower down the food chain do the honourable thing? Even if you are in charge of the Social Services unit that oversaw the awful Baby P saga? This culture is prevalent in all areas of Govt and local Councils, the latter jumping on the PC bandwagon with spectacular pompousness.

Please people, remember all this, and use your valuable vote to get these awful arrogant people out of power next year, before they render this lovely country of ours irredeemable and insufferable.

Right, where’s my medication? ...

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